Ways to access CRM web service for Customizing a CRM Application

Customizing the CRM Application by server side programming using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 SDK:

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 provides three dynamic web service interfaces. Those are
1. Discovery Web Service (DiscoveryService.asmx).
2. CRM web service (Crmservice.asmx).
3. Metadata web service(MetadataService.asmx)

Discovery web Service:
This enables to discover the CrmService and Metadata Service web service endpoint URLs and other information about your target organization.

How to reference discovery web service to customizing solution:

In the URL field, paste the following string, replacing with the name of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server. The TCP port number in the Web service URL is optional and only required if Microsoft Dynamics CRM is installed to a nondefault Web site on the server.

For Active Directory Authentication (On-Premises):

For Windows Live(Passport)Authentication:
For Active Directory Authentication (IFD):

Edit the reference name as your wish. It’s first line of code in solution.
CRM web Service:
The main web service for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK is CrmService. This web service contains the methods that you need to write code against all the entities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

How to reference CRM web service to customizing solution:

In the URL field, paste the following string, replacing with the name of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server. The TCP port number in the Web service URL is optional and only required if Microsoft Dynamics CRM is installed to a nondefault Web site on the server.


Edit the web reference name what’s you want.
It’s first line of code in solution.

Metadata web Service:
Entities, attributes, and relationships are stored in metadata and edited using MetadataService web service. Metadata contain the entities, attributes and relationship definitions for origination.
How to reference Metadata web service to customizing solution:
In the URL field, paste the following string, replacing with the name of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server. The TCP port number in the Web service URL is optional and only required if Microsoft Dynamics CRM is installed to a non-default Web site on the server.

Edit the web reference name what’s you want.
To add a wed service by using downloaded WSDL file:
In the URL field
For example:
Edit the web reference name what’s you want.


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